"The creative process is the process of being connected."
When we create,
in any way, we are tapping into something deeper, a well of life energy
that we can all tap into. It does not matter what you are creating, be
it paintings, photos, sculptures, buildings, websites, books, families,
gardens, communities, laughter.
When you are creating something, you are
accessing something brilliant, something beyond ourselves. Some may
call it the source, or God, or Creator, or Mother Earth, or energy, or
the Universe.
Creating things is a positive act that connects us with
all beings and with the brilliance of being.
And it is something that we
all desire, that connection. We all yearn for that energy, to feel
whole and full and complete. To feel that we are a part of something,
that we are not separate, that we are living and that it matters.
We live
in a society that is crying out for completion, to be whole, to feel a
sincere wholeness of being. We are a society crying out for connection, for healing, for wholeness,
for warmth and love. And that is why people are compelled to create. I
don't believe it is inherently so that we can have art, or photos to
share with our friends, or buildings to put people in.
We want
connection, we want to feel this energy that is beyond us, that doesn't
come from us. We want to know that other people are surrounded by this
same energy, that we are all tapping into this space of creating, that our existence yields beautiful things, and that makes it
worth it.
This yearning is deep and ancient. It cries out from ancient
spirits, calling across galaxies and time and space and the walls we
build up in our lives.
So create. Connect. Let yourself slip into the
well that is all of us, humans and life and experience and wholeness and
wellness. Because when you create from this yearning, you create more
positive energy into the world. That's more positive energy for someone
to surround themselves in, for them to find the space to find healing
and completeness.
And on that note, here is some art as of late.
I am in love with my art process right now. I am in love with the yearning that creates.