Hello folks!
Things have been busy here, but the weather was nice all week so I'm feeling positive and refreshed.
I kept thinking about all the inspiration I see daily on blogs or pinterest
and all the different types of art I am in love with and want to explore.
Then I got the idea to try a challenge, well, not a challenge, just a fun idea.
Because there are SO many types of art I want to try, it usually leaves my mind reeling.
I feel chaotic energy and overwhelmed so that I cant even fully focus on the art I do settle down to create.
So I came up with the idea to dedicate each month this year to a different type/style/aspect of art that I am interested in!
I'm actually really excited!
(I will always be art journaling no matter what month because that is my go-to for creative output)
Here are the months and their focus:
- January: Embroidery (I've already started and I can tell this is going to be a huge obsession with me!)
- February: Portraits
- March: Cardboard houses
Like this one (found here.)
Or these cities found here
- April: Wood burning
- May: Animals
- June: Photography
- July: Nerd themed art (Lots of Ghibli and Doctor Who, I imagine!)
- August: Fabric art
with inspiration like this, how could I not be excited?
- September: Mobiles
- October: Watercolor
- November: Mandalas
- December: Collaborations (something I have never really done, so this is a huge one!)
When I'm trying to work on portraits, I won't have my brain rattling about photography. I can think, "It's okay, I'm doing that in a few months and will be able to fully immerse in it for a full month so I can fully immerse in this now."
I'm looking forward to the exploration of the months ahead!
I've already found embroidery to be a delight.
It's very meditative and calming for me, actually.
I haven't finished any completely to share here yet but they are coming along.
I hope you are all having a great 2015 so far and are excited for the months to come.
Life is a playground; explore, go on adventures, experiment, laugh!
(Oh yeah, I updated my blog banner. What do ya think?)