Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Creative Exploration

Hello folks! 
Things have been busy here, but the weather was nice all week so I'm feeling positive and refreshed.

I kept thinking about all the inspiration I see daily on blogs or pinterest 
and all the different types of art I am in love with and want to explore. 
Then I got the idea to try a challenge, well, not a challenge, just a fun idea. 
Because there are SO many types of art I want to try, it usually leaves my mind reeling.
I feel chaotic energy and overwhelmed so that I cant even fully focus on the art I do settle down to create. 
So I came up with the idea to dedicate each month this year to a different type/style/aspect of art that I am interested in! 

I'm actually really excited!
(I will always be art journaling no matter what month because that is my go-to for creative output) 
Here are the months and their focus: 
  • January: Embroidery (I've already started and I can tell this is going to be a huge obsession with me!)
  • February: Portraits
  • March: Cardboard houses 
       Like this one (found here.)
  • Or these cities found here

  • April: Wood burning
  •  May: Animals
  • June: Photography
  • July: Nerd themed art (Lots of Ghibli and Doctor Who, I imagine!)
  • August: Fabric art
I mean....
with inspiration like this, how could I not be excited?

  • September: Mobiles
  • October: Watercolor
  • November: Mandalas
  • December: Collaborations (something I have never really done, so this is a huge one!)
This plan will help me to focus and fully immerse into one craft without distraction.
When I'm trying to work on portraits, I won't have my brain rattling about photography. I can think,  "It's okay, I'm doing that in a few months and will be able to fully immerse in it for a full month so I can fully immerse in this now."

I'm looking forward to the exploration of the months ahead!
I've already found embroidery to be a delight.
It's very meditative and calming for me, actually.

I haven't finished any completely to share here yet but they are coming along.

I hope you are all having a great 2015 so far and are excited for the months to come.
Life is a playground; explore, go on adventures, experiment, laugh!

(Oh yeah, I updated my blog banner. What do ya think?)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Words and Images: Oh

 i only amiate
original thought
oh press me
i sink under your skin like liquid spirit
gift of permanence
tattering illusions like dry paint

uneven tides
wavering on blank space
just give me the weird
the marrow
the dancing
the shaking unknowing
a collective of shallow
holy vessels 
carried across centuries
my true love is history
fear is a loading screen
twenty one pilots
of leafs shuddering
oh let's travel more wide than far
i want the deepness
the recognizable holding
oh come climbing
you know the way from my eyes back to somewhere looking backwards
exact abstracts bend your fingers
to my open will
oh how softly i come calling

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Unravelling 2015

Hello folks and welcome to the new year! 
I hope everyone is feeling positive and welcoming a fresh start!

Last year, I did Susannah Conway's Unravelling 2014 and was very excited to do the 2015 workbook this year!
(It can be found here.)

It's a lovely workbook filled with reflection on the past year and dream making for the year ahead. 

Here's a few snippets of mine: 

What did you let go of in 2014?
bitterness, hesitations, reservations, guilt

What were you grateful for in 2014?
reconnecting, help and inspiration from online artist and healers, for meeting my lovely panda Pashford, for taking risky leaps

How has your life changed? What have you learned about yourself?
I've dimmed, I've let life happen to me. I've gotten stuck.
I've learned that I believe in love more than I thought. 
I've learned the importance of rituals, energy, and intention. 
I've learned how much I create myself. 

What gifts did 2014 offer you?
confidence, bravery, enlightenment, vision, comfort, safety, worth, words, awareness

Word for the 2015:
(I chose two this year.)

What can you do this year to bring more of your Word(s) into your world?
get rid of things that drain energy, practice more rituals, be more active/engaging, go on more adventures

List three duties/commitments you feel ready to release in 2015:
putting others before myself, feeling exhausted from work, being timid or modest

List three things you will aim to do each morning to start your day:
stretch, drink water, write flow of thought 

What do you want 2015 to look like, feel like, be filled with?
laughter, dance, ritual, connections, opportunity, brightening, crafting, reveling, guiding, honoring, caring, shining, reaching

I will make more time for:
connections, art, adventure

This year, I will say yes to:
making changes, being brave, being bright, inspiring, feeling deeply

Here is my overview map for the year:

and there was a page for a tarot map for the year: 
Mine has some hardships, but overall ends on a positive note. 
The workbook is very introspective and a helpful guide, I definitely recommend it! 

I'm not huge on New Year's resolutions but here are a few things I aspire to for the new year: weekly tarot readings, writing more, reading more, more adventures, learning new things, going to more shows, new tattoos, cooking more, making more art (obviously), creating an e-course.

New Year's Eve was a magical fun night, surrounded by friends, games and champagne!

I hope you all the best with this new year. 
Check out the Unravelling workbook, it is a lot of fun and great for guiding yourself into the fresh year!