Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thankfulness in August

I meant to post this a week ago but alas! At least it is here now! Things I have been thankful for this August!
  • friends that tell me the truth, even if it hurts. They keep me grounded and point out things I keep hidden from myself, and seeing those things and addressing them helps me to grow!
  • getting free Olive Garden! The perks of my work.
  • my new camera! I love it so much and I got it at an amazing price!
  • dancing int he elevators/the kitchen/back office at work. It keeps me smiling, even if work is stressful!
  • my knee being almost back to normal! It rarely hurts anymore and I can even run for short periods now!
  • one word: wugawugabushmeat. another amazing perk from my job!
  • my Creator giving me clear and bright guidance, so I can stay out of hurtful situations.
  • going to BangBang again, such a fun time and talented people!
Those are just a few things that were great about August! And I can already tell that September is going to be magical! The weather is changing and it feels brilliant! What were some things you were thankful for in August and what are you looking forward to in September?


  1. Yay for running :)!

    In August I'm most thankful for Verket starting up again, it's so nice to have something productive to do with my day :)

    And for September; the leafs ♥ I love the autumn leafs.
