The weather is slowly warming up here, which means more art by the creek!
Here are some little drawings I did recently:
I really enjoy this one.
I have just started reading "Journal Spilling" by Diana Trout.
And in it, she uses the Picasso quote "Every act of creation is first an act of destruction."
Which really resounded with me.
She uses it as an example of conquering the fear of the white page, or the empty canvas.
And I think it is a great way to look at those blank pages.
We want to create art, but sometimes the blankness we start with can be very intimidating.
So much can happen after we start marking on that page. We could screw up entirely, we could end up with something totally different from what we intended or wanted, or we could create something that resounds with us so much that we can't stop looking at it.
And that is a scary place to be at, the crossroads, where it can go any direction.
And oft times, it scares us into inactivity, into not making any marks at all.
It is safer that way.
So, in order to create, we have to destroy.
We have to take that white page down a notch, because we are in control here.
We have to look it square in the eye and know that we have the power to destroy it.
And that we must destroy it in order to spread the colors and lines and beautiful art that we want to share with the world, that we need to express ourselves.
And while this has very true applications to the artistic process, it also got me thinking of all the other times in life we must destroy in order to create.
We need to destroy what is holding us back, in order to have room, or even energy, for the things that will bring us growth.
We need to destroy toxic relationships, to rid ourselves of naysayers and people that put us down, so that we may have more time to spend with those that care for us, support us, and cheer us on.
We need to destroy our reliance on objects to fill up our lives, so that we have more time and money for meaningful experiences.
We must destroy societal expectations so that we can fully focus on our passions and dreams, the things that brings us joy.
These are the things we need the time, energy and space to create.
And to do this, we must first destroy the weeds of busy schedules, the American dream, nice houses, settling down, unfulfilling jobs, the weeds that entangle us and entrap us.
Look them straight in the eye and know that you have the power to destroy them.
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